Daniel Walsh
A Director and Founder of Herbal Solutions Pty Ltd, a company that formulates and supplies quality innovative Herbal and Nutritional products. Herbal Solutions also offer Consultancy services to the Naturopathic and Nutritional business sectors.
A senior executive with over 30 years experience in the natural health, pharmaceutical, biotechnology, pathology and allied health industries throughout Australia, New Zealand, Europe and Asian markets. Initially trained as a Nurse and Midwife, Commercial skill sets include Business Development, Sales, Marketing, Negotiation, Commercialisation and Training and Development. Experience and expertise have focused primarily in International, hospital and specialised medical, naturopathic and nutritional markets inclusive of non for profit.
Senior Sales and Marketing Management experience with the ability to build strong, ongoing win/win relationships with all stake holders, both internal and external. Recognised and proven in identifying, developing and establishing new business opportunities from concept to profitable outcomes.
Now, primarily focussed on identifying and providing new and unique natural health ingredients and products to the Australian Health Practitioner and Consumer market.
Daniel Walsh
Tel: +61400226404
P.O. Box 353, Brighton
3186 Victoria, Australia.