Case Study by David Fitts ND

I’d like to give you an update on the feedback I have received from patients who have been using the Curcurin. The first comes from a 90 year old woman who has been suffering from severe arthritis in her legs and ankles for over a decade; she has been prescribed a plethora of medications over this period of time but none had really improved her condition or ameliorate the pain and swelling.

She commenced taking the Curcurin at the recommended dose of 1ml x 2 daily for a period of 10 days before reporting back; over that time she had noticed a significant reduction in the swelling and pain in her ankles to the point where she could actually see the shape of her ankles which hadn’t been able to do for years. she was very impressed and continues to use the product.

The second case is that of a 91-year-old male who had injured his wrist in a fall 3 years ago and was experiencing pain and a reduction in flexibility and movement as a result; coupled with this was the inconvenience of wearing a wrist brace to support the injured wrist. He commenced taking the Curcurin at 1ml x 2 daily for 10 days and upon reporting back stated that he had noticed an improvement with flexibility but the pain was still strong.I then suggested he take 2 mls x 2 daily for another 10 days; he reported back at the end of that period noticing a pleasing reduction in the pain to a more than tolerable level.

The third case relates to myself. In early 2018 I received a severe Red Back spider bite to the middle finger of my right hand while working in the garden; the toxin from the bite caused a lot of inflammation which reactivated an old weakness site in my wrist from a sporting injury many years ago. I had tried  number of different forms of anti-inflammatory remedies over a period of about 18 months with limited degrees of success.

Upon your suggestion I tried the Curcurin which I took sublingually and became aware of a noticeable reduction in pain within an hour; I guess I needed to experience that efficacy for myself personally to feel confident to recommend it to my patients. I continue to use it daily as it provides not only relief to my wrist but has also reduced what I can only refer to as subtle systemic inflammation resulting in mild stiffness that I had become accustomed to; that has now gone leaving me feeling much more flexible. 

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